Jan 09

My filing cabinet was full, containing thousands of documents ranging from old tax returns, to car service appointment papers, medical records, receipts, and even old school transcripts.  Although they were all organized quite well, it is still frustrating locating the documents that I need with ease, and even more difficult to view them remotely.

Well, I’ve changed that, by taking about 95% of my files and converting them into pdfs.  I’ve scanned hundreds of documents, named them in efficient ways, and organized them into meaningful categories to help me.  I’ve stored them in my Dropbox, which most of my friends now, is one of my favorite applications that Syncs all my data across all my computers and my iPhone.  I could dedicate an entire blog post, and even more, to the wonders of dropbox, but to sum it up, dropbox constantly “syncs” my files in the background across all the computers I used so that I always have a copy of what I need when and where I want it.

Once I converted everything to a pdf files and I named them properly, I organized them and shredded the original document, unless of course the original is needed, such as the pink slip to my Mini Cooper.  Now, when I need to locate a file, I can either navigate through my organized file structure or simply search for the name.  In moments, I can view the file, e-mail, or print it with ease.  Talk about convenience and simplicity!

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