About a month ago, we welcomes Jasmine into our family. At almost three months old, she is a Labrador-Shepherd Mix.
It’s been years since we’ve experienced the adventures that bicycling offers, but Mike and I decided to try out a new hobby, so we purchased 2 bicycles.
Since moving into our new home, we’ve began nightly walks around the neighborhood. We never did that at our town-home, simply because the neighborhood wasn’t the greatest. With the move, we starting taking nice walks for about an hour or so, three to five evenings a week. Not only is it very peaceful, but it also allows us to talk about our days, and spend more time with each other.
Wanting to explore even more of the area around we, we decided to purchase bikes. Not only would it be fun to do, but its also good for our health.
We had our first bike ride last night, and had so much fun! I even bought a new iPhone application that tracks our travels. I have greyed out the specific street names, but see the map below for our first bike ride.
It’s amazing what GPS Technology can do (I used AllSport GPS)
It even calculates changes such as speed, elevation, and resting periods. While the application is not perfect, as it recorded a few fest periods, it done a very good job. Another reason why I love my iPhone so much. 🙂 On our first journey around the neighborhood, we rode for just over an hour and 10 minutes, went 6.91 miles, at an average speed of 5.7mph. Again, we weren’t going crazy fast, as we were casually biking while engaging in conversation. It really is serene, and I look forward to many future bike rides around the block, and whereever life will take us.
I’ll post an update shortly with more interesting bike riding information.